Lesson 2: The good work starts with you
It’s back…..
“Lessons I’ve learnt in business, running a business
and working with other businesses in 2021.”
This is the biggest lesson ever learnt in the history of lessons. And why it is not taught at school is beyond me.
The simple fact is ….. it is down to us and if we are not looking after ourselves then nothing can work properly.
We are at the centre of it all. Whether it’s running our lives, running our business, running a family; whatever it is, if we are not looking after ourselves we can’t help or look after anyone else. We are the central cog in the wheel.
I’m not talking about waking up at 5am doing some chanting and then squeezing in some journaling and a HIT workout before we start the day.
I’m simply talking about being kind to ourselves and giving ourselves a break. Finding what helps and doing it over and over again – and practicing it so it becomes part of our daily routine.
I write the Morning Pages – most days – and that helps me process my schizzle so I (mostly) don’t start the day shouting.*
But, crucially, I have also learnt to give myself a break, it doesn’t all have to be done right now and we don’t have to fix it all this instance. We don’t have the powers of the twitchy nose like Samantha has in Bewitched,** and I have searched high and low for that washing fairy and she has disappeared along with the bloody housekeeping wizard so the shit really does stop with us.
So today’s lesson is to simply be kind to yourself, take a break if you need one and look after yourself because when you do that you then have the energy to help look after everything else.
Go outside, get some fresh air, make a coffee, eat the (Christmas) cake, buy bigger pants….just treat yourself like you’d treat your best mate.
*Of course this does not include shouting at the 15 year old to get his ar&e out of bed for school.
** You may need to google this if you’re well young as it is a well old American sitcom.