Coach in your Pocket

1-1 Performance & Resilience Coaching for high achieving midlife women ready to unlock their potential, manage their energy systems to maximise what success looks like for them in midlife.

In midlife, we all think we’re going a bit mad. It’s bigger than the menopause, it’s the lifestage, it’s the juggle, it’s the struggle, it’s the overwhelm, the mental load of the sandwich generation and those constant niggles with a bit of ‘what’s my purpose now?’ thrown in. And then there is a danger that, despite the need for increased conversations about the menopause, the focus on it is actually reducing women in midlife to a label “a middle-aged, hot, angry, raging, forgetful, sweaty body” when we are so much more and have so much more to offer. It’s time to outperform the label of midlife. You deserve more.

Sound Familiar?

Spinning all the plates, taking on ALL the mental load. Feeling guilty for even considering yourself. Juggling careers, businesses and still navigating the phone calls and needs from growing kids and ageing parents needing support is a lot.

Split into 45 different directions; work needs, life needs, personal needs, parent needs, kid needs, financial needs health needs….and the menopause needs…NEED I go on? It’s a lot; but you know it doesn’t have to be it all. It doesn’t have to be acceptance.

FACT: The world you are experiencing is the reflection of what you believe. You are living in a world of your own making.

FACT: You have a choice.

If you’re wondering where your energy and your spark has gone, if you’re craving clarity and focus, there is something you can do about it. It’s not ‘just’ about slapping on the patches.

Feeling like you never have enough time but also feeling like you don’t have enough time left to do “all the things”, what even are the things? Still wanting to make an impact, fulfil your purpose but feel like you need to reimagine, repurpose, reset who you are today?

Not knowing who you are, despite all the labels you’ve been given by everyone else “mum, carer, planner…taxi driver… owner….senior leader…..” and yet none of these are you, right? Because you haven’t defined the value you bring - you’re being defined by a label.

It’s time to stop thinking about what you don’t want. It’s no longer about what you have; it’s time to think about who you want to be. It’s about taking yourself from transactional to transformation; it’s about deciding what you can create rather than what you are trying to avoid. It’s time to unlock your potential.

And don’t you just wish…

  • You had more time to figure out what “all the things” are that you actually want to do.

  • You could stop feeling stuck.

  • You could banish the self-doubt, the overwhelm

  • You could stop playing catch up or that the whole day wouldn’t go to sh*t when that one thing doesn’t go to plan.

  • You weren’t distracted all the time, could be more focused and feel like you’re getting all the things done.

  • You had support to lean rather than everyone leaning on you.

  • You could take action confidently and with clarity.

  • You could create better boundaries, learn how to say “no” and actually MEAN it.

  • You could wake up every day and build your day around your energy rather than reacting to all the needs that come rushing in from the first scroll on the phone.

    You CAN do more than just accept the chaos, you can challenge the status quo without having to run away from it all or sit in the car muttering FFS on repeat.

    Together we will find your passion, your purpose, we will press the reset button so you can re-imagine, re-purpose and re-define who you want to be today. Passion is a significant multiplier of human performance - it’s time to get clear on your passion, your purpose and amplify your performance in all areas of your life.

I’m Sarah…

Your slightly sweary Coach in Your Pocket here to help you unlock your potential.

Give me eight weeks and I’ll give you the tools, frameworks, the ability to switch your mindset, to celebrate you, make an impact and be intentional about what you do.

I do this by teaching you how to think differently, feel differently and act differently. 

I will guide you, coach you, challenge you, champion you, help you unlock your potential, live life with no regrets. You will need to take the action.

And before you say "who’s she to talk on this?!"

I've 51 years of lived experience, 30 years of working with global businesses and individuals, and 22 years of parenting experience.

So I know a little bit about juggling careers, building careers, about motherhood, about protecting relationships and all the other stuff in between.

But let’s face it - it’s got to be more than lived in experience. It’s got to be about qualifications, expertise and experience.

I've not just got the lived-in experience, I've got the qualifications to back it up. I'm an award-winning trainer, NLP Practitioner, facilitator, advanced coach & people director.

I provide coaching programmes steeped in practical frameworks, I'm going to ask you challenging questions, probably trigger you a little bit and stretch you. I’m not just going to be your coach, I’m going to be your teacher in frameworks, in techniques, in mindset shifting to reframe your way of thinking to be the person you are meant to be, motivated by seeking to create who you want to be NOT what you want to have.

I'll help you get comfortable with the uncomfortable because that's the only way we can practically address that feeling that you've not done what you were supposed to in life and kick it in the arse.

No change has ever been made alone. Not one person knows the answer but through the lens of another we can see a different way of thinking - this is the power of a coaching programme.

I’m here to teach you how to…

★ Simplify your systems, managing your energy, not your time
★ Analyse and minimise the distractions in your life
★ Reduce overwhelm and manage stress

★ Be intentional with all your actions, instead of spending every day simply reacting
★ Claim your space, get clear on what you want and own it, no apologies
★ Build your self-belief systems and work on that imposter syndrome
★ Create strategies for managing your mental load

★ Take confident action to create impact

★ Get unstuck on your goals, ambitions and purpose
★ Keep the promises you make to yourself, redefine what is possible for you

★ Unlock your potential, start a business, leave a business, claim your space, get a promotion

And before you think Jeez Louise, not another long list of things to add to my already impossible schedule.
Don’t worry, I’ve got you.

This is exactly WHY I developed my signature Soundbites System to help you do “all these things” without feeling like you’re adding another 70 gazillion balls to a failing juggling act.

What even is Coach in Your Pocket?

The Coach in your Pocket Programme is an instant-access coaching, mentoring and training programme.

It’s a new way of coaching that fits into your life. It’s a voice note coaching system that provides ongoing support rather than one scheduled session a month. It provides ongoing accountability, increasing consistency of actions, embedding learning and supercharging results.

With Yours Truly in Your Back Pocket, You’ll Get

  • A 60-minute deep dive conversation into what you need, how I can support you, your personal development and circumstance so I understand a bit more about what you need, what outcomes you want from coaching. (This is a scheduled meeting usually held via Teams, Google Meet or Zoom)

  • 8 weeks of Voxer (this is a simple app where no scheduling is needed and is voice and text notes (think Whatsapp)) coaching providing ongoing weekly support (Monday - Friday) helping you hold yourself accountable, building and action habits to help you thrive and unlock, claim and own your potential

    How does it work?

  • We start the week with one focus.

  • On Mondays, we focus on what outcome you want to achieve that week - how you can build your success strategy.

  • On Fridays, we reflect on what you’ve won that week and what you have learned

  • We’ll have one focus a week, reducing all the things.

  • And in between, you’ll have my support.

    You can count on:

  • Support from me as your coach, your trainer; motivating, encouraging you week on week to redefine and reset the labels that no longer suit the impact you want to create.

  • Access to bonus trainings, frameworks and worksheets to embed your learning and create actionable change

  • Step-by-step support through personal or professional projects

It’s time to cut to the chase.

This is not for you if…

  • You’re not ready to commit to yourself

  • You’re not ready to realise that you are in control of your own path

  • You want to watch all the memes, recognise you need to do something and do nothing

  • You’re not ready to do something small, something different to make a massive difference to what you do and how you manage your mindset

  • You’re not ready to step off the emotional rollercoaster

  • You like beating yourself up about not doing all the things, managing all the things

  • You like being awake at 3am worrying about all the things

  • You’re prepared to accept this is it for the 20 years of midlife

This is for you if you are ready to make a difference, to press play on your own mindset, to thriving in midlife, to unlocking your potential. No more surviving, ricocheting from thing to thing, not able to turn down the noise and the niggles in your head.

This is for you if you are ready to redefine this chapter of your life and make every single sodding moment count without regret.


I’ll be your guide, your cheerleader, ask the tough questions, keep you accountable, keep you consistent.

Throughout our eight weeks together not only do you have me in your pocket but I promise you will be more focussed, create more progress and learn how to reflect without judgement or guilt, so you sustain these changes after the eight weeks.


So what’s the investment you are making in yourself?

You will be billed in two payments. If after the first phone call, you have a wobble you will have the opportunity to opt out. (I don’t offer refunds, but you can opt-out if after talking to me it doesn’t feel right).

The cost is £1450.00. If you pay in two instalments, the costs is £750.00 per instalment for you to invest in the thing that will have the biggest impact on the rest of your days - your mindset.

You will need to pay upfront for the coming month.

I am a stickler for boundaries around payments.

I will be your personal cheerleader, your champion of change, your accountability buddy whilst you become the mistress of your own mindset.

The total cost to help you save your sanity is £1450.00, you can pay in one job lot or in two monthly instalments of £750.00, upfront for the coming month.

If you’d like to save your sanity and grab a place.

Payment options

Select your package below to get started with your coaching

Please review our terms and conditions before purchasing here.

Coach in your Pocket
One time
For 2 months

Paying for your 8 week coaching programme up front will give you a discount compared to paying in two parts (this is due to processing payment charges).

✓ 1 x 60 min deep dive call
✓ 8 weeks of Voxer voice note coaching

Want to know about coaching? Would rather have traditional 1:1 scheduled coaching programme or book a power hour to get you cracking; let’s have a chat over a coffee. Drop me a line…