Time to write your own story.

Let’s face it, we all think we’re going a bit mad. Midlife…. it’s the juggle, the struggle, the overwhelm, the mental load of the sandwich generation and those constant niggles combined with wondering ‘What even is my purpose now?’ thrown in.

It collides with that feeling of ‘f&ck, we’re running out of time’ and I still have all the things to do. It’s when you realise you have been living someone else’s life and you finally realise you want to write your own story.

It’s when you know it’s time for you to crack on and squeeze the lemon.

I’ve got you. This is where you start to feel you again and get a weekly dose of sanity, of wisdom, of community to lighten the load.

Had a little weepy at this one 😥

Thank you. Needed to hear this today XX

You are such a brilliant and engaging writer - I always tell you that - so I love reading your copy!
— Ministry Of Midlife Subscribers